Newsletter 12 October
Good morning!
Firstly, I must apologise that this will be a short one! The past few days have been crazy and I have not been able to put as much into today’s reflection as it deserves.
A few notices, then:
As you would have seen in the weekend notices, Tina Addinall sadly died suddenly on Thursday morning. Tina was always cheerful presence in the parish and she would often be seen helping out around the place at functions when needed. She was not a high profile person but just did what she knew needed to be done. She will be missed greatly by her family in particular but also by all who knew her. May she rest in peace. The funeral is scheduled for later in the week.
Congratulations to Jimmy & Nell McKeen who celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary yesterday. From what I can see, they were probably founder members of the parish and have served us well over the years. Living in their twilight years now, it is always a delight to see them every now and then since they do not get out that often.
Mass attendance has really picked up, especially at the Sunday 9am Mass which has been at capacity for the past two weeks. Please remember to book early if you want to attend the Mass of your choice. Weekend bookings close on Friday at midday.
We have now been given permission to celebrate Nuptial Masses and Requiem Masses. Before now we were only able to do services. Normal restrictions on numbers still apply.
A reminder that tomorrow is the anniversary of the final appearance of Our Lady at Fatima. A decade of the Rosary only takes a few minutes and there are great benefits to praying in this way. You are really encouraged to pray for Peace and Healing. Thank you.
Have a wonderful Monday.
God bless and stay safe. Dc Mike & the team.