24th Sunday Cycle C 2022. Divine Office Psalter Week IV

Parish of the Blessed Sacrament
Blessed Sacrament Church,
2 Newport Avenue, Virginia.
Star of the Sea Church,
13 Park Drive, uMhlanga Rocks.
Phone:031 564 7587
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 08h00 - 16h00
Website: www.blessedsacrament.co.za
Parish Clergy:
Parish priest: Fr. James Ralston O.M.I. fr.james@blessedsacrament.co.za
Assistant: Fr. Derrick Butt O.M.I. fr.derrick@blessedsacrament.co.za
Deacons: Dc. Mike O’Neill formation@blessedsacrament.co.za
Dc. Noel Pistorius (retired)
Mass times:
Blessed Sacrament:
Monday, Tuesday & Friday - 17h30
Wednesday & Thursday - 08h30
Saturday - 17h30
Sunday - 09h00 & 17h15
Public holidays - 08h30
Star of the Sea:
Wednesday - 17h30
Friday - 09h00
Sunday - 07h00
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Blessed Sacrament: Saturday - 16h00 - 17h00 or by appointment
Star of the Sea: First Friday of the month after Mass or by appointment
Mass times and intentions September 10 to 16, 2022.
Blessed Sacrament
Saturday 17h30
For the repose of the soul of Michael Nofal.
Sunday 09h00
Special intention of Maria and Cruz and of Ilda Parau.
For the repose of the souls of Johnny and Logie Maistry, Andrew and Mary Naidoo, Deevie Naidoo, Carol Maple and Michael Terry-Lloyd.
Sunday 17h15
For the repose of the soul George Araujo João.
Monday 17h30 The Most Holy name of Mary.
(1 Corinthians 11:17-26.33; Psalm 40:7-10.17; Luke 7:1-10.)
Special intention for Kyna Ejike.
Tuesday 17h30 St. John Chrysostom.
(1 Corinthians 12:12-14.27-31; Psalm 100:1-5; Luke 7:11-17.)
Special intention of Tiago Teixeira.
Wednesday 08h30 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
(Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 78:1-2.34-38; John 3:13-17.)
For the repose of the soul of Emmanuel Ejike.
Thursday 08h30 Our Lady of Sorrows.
(1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Psalm 118:1-2.16-17.28; Luke 7:36-50.)
Special intention of Lucca Teixeira.
For the repose of the souls of Kalil Zackey and Mark Rosental.
Friday 17h30 Ss Cornelius and Cyprian.
(1 Corinthians 15:12-20; Psalm 17:1.6-8.15; Luke 8:1-3.)
For the repose of the soul of Antonio Teixeira.
Star of the Sea
Sunday 07h00
Special intention of Nuala Lalor and of Noel and Anne McLeod
Wednesday 17h30 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
(Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 78:1-2.34-38; John 3:13-17.)
For the repose of the souls of Michael Power and Henry Howlett.
Friday 09h00 Ss Cornelius and Cyprian.
(1 Corinthians 15:12-20; Psalm 17:1.6-8.15; Luke 8:1-3.)
Special intention of Kim and of Daria Roberts.
Information & Notices
Next weekend, September 17 & 18, 2022, will be “Commitment Weekend”. This will be an opportunity for you to bring in your commitment forms for Time & Talents as well as your dedication of Treasure.
Should it be easier for you, please e-mail these forms to Gabi van der Merwe at manager@blessedsacrament.co.za
San Joseph’s Child & Youth Care Centre at Damesfontein, between Lothair and Amsterdam in the diocese of Dundee. This is a facility for caring for disabled children up to the age of 18 years and is seeking assistance. The manner in which one could help is to “adopt” a child, by making a commitment to financially support a child or children for a specific period of time. Please contact Fr. James for further details.
The Marriage and Family Life Commission of the Metropolitan Province of Durban (Archdiocese of Durban and the dioceses of Mariannhill, Umzimkulu, Eshowe, Dundee, Kokstad and Inguavuma) is undertaking a survey amongst the faithful to solicit their views on family and married life to better support families as domestic church. An urgent appeal is made to all clergy and the faithful to take a few moments to respond to the questionnaire on line from:
Your cooperation and response will be invaluable.
Parish collection: In addition to the weekly collection, contributions may also be made by EFT to The Parish of the Blessed Sacrament, First National Bank, account no: 50844547792, branch code 221426. These details, as well as the Zapper code, are available via the link at the bottom of this post.
Marriages: An appointment with parish clergy should be made 6 months prior to the marriage. Couples must be registered & active members of the Parish for at least 6 months prior. All couples planning to marry should contact the Engaged Encounter team on dbnbookings@engagedencounter.co.za prior to meeting with Father James.
Funerals: Please contact the parish clergy first before any arrangements are made with the undertaker.
Baptisms: 10h30 Sunday – by appointment only.
Retrouvaille is for marriages that are hurting. To register, please contact Rohan and Armelle on 0828 500 500 or email durban@retrouvaille.org.
• Todays Bible reading and reflection from the Vatican.
• Parish Banking Details
• Online Daily Mass (Daily TV Mass).