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January Birthdays 2025

Happy Birthday to those celebrating in January!

1st – Nikita Kohler, Maureen Schultz, Delphin Jamme, Maria Borrageiro, Clinton Green, Gloria Walsh, Patti Hook.


2nd – Ryan Anderson, Gia Celestino, Craig Viljoen, Robyn Smetherham.


3rd – Ethan Hunt, Jacky MacLennan, Verusha Maistry, Barry Mezher, Kristle Naidoo.


4th – Anita Bartholomew, Andrew Pavid, Daniel Parsons, Cyril Pool, Jacintha Naidoo.


5th – Caleb Phillips.


6th – Bruce Dickson, Francesco Lo Piccolo, Peter Walker, Ben Weber, Joyce Menezes, Victoria Brennan.


7th – Eileen Channon, Matthew Coetzee, Barbara Elliott, Wayne Smith, Joshua Keyter, Michael Seaborne.


8th – Louise Hunt, Revalyn Johns, Patricia Mulgrew, Sabrina Pelliccia, Andrew Williams, Carol Dickson, Nini Hoarau, Luca Bexiga, Candice Paton.


9th – Colleen Howes, Nondi Majola, Anrie Eastes, Saras Govender.


10th – Renzo Avellini, Maureen Crebo, Ryan Olivier, Neville Kerdachi, Rebecca Lundell, Paige Smith, Pascal Edbujie, David Wilson, Sienna Muil.


11th – Beverley Adami, Nicole de Castro, Malcolm Swift, Mark Colia, Chelsea Kroutz, Tristan Adonis, Jake Smetherham.         


12th – Pam Govender, Esme Lowe, Cynthia Chetty, Noah Chetty, Alicja Gibson, Rodney Huber.



13th – Peter de Marigny, Benjamin Deeb, Maciej Styburski, Edlena Leslie-Smith, Gail Lee, Darryl Poisson, Bongani Mkhize, Louise Massey.


14th – Marie-Helene Macquet, Liz Willson, Caroline Dennis, Courtney Mower, Angela Walter, David Rees, Joshua Maskell, Cecelia Park, Brendan Richards, Noeleen Kroutz,


15th – Antonio Araujo, Maria Texeira, Annamarie Pisanelo, Daniela Cantatore, Taryn Singh, Yvonne de Broglio, Lethabo Mashaphu.


16th – Gabby Fernandes, Luciano Gomes, Danielle Wyngaard, Samuel King, Jaak Beyers, Catherine Baker, Michael York, Maureen Rowley, Muziwandile Nxumalo.


17th – Gerard Latouf, Robert McConnachie, Ellis Dougall, Maisie Preston, Lex Campbell, Anthony van Eeden, Grace York, Brian Milindi.


18th – Biddy Adami, Valerie Lambert, Graham Laaks, Chris Rey.


19th – Mervyn Bogner, Matthew O’Donoghue, Maria Soalheiro, Simone Reid, Adam Duncan, Grace MacKay, Tiara Brisset, Jacob Alekseyev.


20th – David Deeb, Ron Mitchley, Amy-Lee Henry, Gorette Ciprano, Luca Mauvis, Marguerite Skinner, Michael Dickens, Daniela Boonzaier, Jadore Rennie.


21st – Carol Haramis, Collin Deeb, Ursula Premduth, Stephen Kitching, Alandre de Freitas-Nel.


22nd – Marianne Boniaszczuk, Marcelle Hold, Odette Mays, Allen Liversage, Arian Pooran, Lionel Charles, Liam Luizinho.


23rd – Linda McGregor, Devika Duval, Tegan de Jongh, Gianna Farinha, Jeremy Simpson.


24th – Olivia Campbell, Jonathan Fell, Jade Lenferna, Kylie Stevenson, Natalie Beckenstrater, Chelsea Gerritson, Donovan Jones.


25th – Roxanne Hull, Ronald Andrews, Stephen Williams, Emily Pitt, Chaice van Koningsbruggen, Martin Cele, Madison Schoonberg, David Leisegang, Robert Koenig, Anna Hayes.


26th – Richard McKie, Marise Fynn, Noah Gibson.


27th – Michelle Kalil, Shelly Becker, Max Rowley, Betty Carew, Jorge Suarez.


28th – Luca Collett, Bradley Robertson, Yohan de Robillard, Asante Ngidi, Nicole Olivier, Marco Piacentini, Ricky Kroutz, Karishma Gabriel, Raelene Venketsamy.


29th - Gavin Pistorius, Christopher Duncan, Ricardo Ferrao, Ronald Aromin.


30th - Rochelle Epstein, Christopher Andrews, Janna Strang, Sharlene Phillip.


31st - Lesley Kalil, Jean Pierre Kerwin, Nozuko Majole, Hannah de Vries, Tyler Brokensha, Rakesh Singh.

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