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Sunday Bulletin - Week 30 Year B


23/24 October 2021



Saturday 23 October

BS 17h30

Pedro da Silva R.I.P.

Allan Mathews R.I.P.

Sunday 24 October

SOTS 07h00

In thanksgiving for prayers answered – the Moonilal family.

For all benefactors and volunteers of the parish.

BS 09H00

Special intention of Maria, Cruz, Danielle Guimbeau.

Johonney Maistry R.I.P.

Rachelle Samuels R.I.P.

For deceased members of the Rafik and Maistry families.

BS 17h15

Special intention of Phillipa Teixeira.

Kelly Dalgleish R.I.P.

Monday 25 October

BS 17h30 Communion Service.

Tuesday 26 October

BS 17h30

Special intention of Jermaine Chettair,

Danielle Guimbeau and of Emily Upton.

Maria Fernanda Chadinha R.I.P.

Wednesday 27 October

BS 08h30

Special intention of Jean Robert & Angelique Tostee.

Daniel Hindler R.I.P.

Goretti da Silva R.I.P.

SOTS 17h30

Michael Power and Henry Howlett R.I.P.

Callie Sasseen R.I.P.

Thursday 28 October

BS 08h30

Special intention of Ursula Maroun, Danielle Guimbeau and of Dennis Wonfor.

Friday 29 October

SOTS 09h00

Special intention of Kim and of Emily Upton.

For all doctors, nurses and health-care workers.

BS 17h30

Leo and Kath Pistorius R.I.P.

Molly and Charles Tester R.I.P.

Marriages: An appointment with parish clergy should be made 6 months prior to the marriage. Couples must be registered & active members of the Parish for at least 6 months prior. All couples planning to marry should contact the Engaged Encounter team on prior to meeting with Father James.

Funerals: Please contact the parish clergy first before any arrangements are made with the undertaker.

Baptisms: 10h30 Sunday – by appointment only.

Confessions: By appointment or at16h00 to 17h00 Saturdays at Blessed Sacrament

or at 09h30 1st Friday of the month at Star of the Sea.

Retrouvaille is for marriages that are hurting. Contact Peter & Maire (in confidence) on 0828 500 500 or or

Adoration Chapel: at the Blessed Sacrament is open, other than Mass times, from Monday to Friday 08h00 – 16h00. Compliance with Covid protocols is ESSENTIAL.


CONDOLENCES To the family and friends of John Galvin who died recently. May his soul rest in peace.

TODAY IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. We celebrate this day by remembering our baptismal call to bring the Gospel to all! The second collection today for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith supports the work and witness of the Mission Church, as it provides for priests, religious and lay leaders who offer the Lord’s mercy and concrete help to the most vulnerable communities in the Pope’s missions. Thank you for your generosity.

COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED: On All Souls Day, Tuesday 2nd November, Masses will be at 06h00 and 17h30 at Blessed Sacrament and 09h00 at Star of the Sea.

PIOUS LISTS During the month of November a Mass will be celebrated every day for our departed loved ones. Envelopes and lists can be found at the back of the church. Complete and place in the collection basket, or deliver to the parish office, together with your donation. Your contribution will be given to the Oblates of Mary Immaculate.

NAZARETH HOUSE DURBAN have rooms available to accommodate Frail Care, assisted Care and independent living. To book a tour of the facility please phone 031 261 2207.

RETREAT Anyone interested in attending a one day retreat on PRAYER, please click this link: Read now

ACCOMMODATION for a single lady is urgently needed. If you are able to assist or know of a place that could accommodate please contact the parish office.

NEEDED A single bed and a cupboard, if you able to help please contact the parish office.

NAPIER CENTRE 4 HEALING have a vacancy for a House Father for a married man in a stable and loving relationship (the spouse will have no specific duties at the centre). Previous experience with substance abusers, fluent in English and Zulu, possess a valid driver’s licence and be prepared to apply for a police clearance certificate are essentials for the applicant, apply to by October 29, 2021.


In addition to the weekly collection contributions may also be made by EFT to the Parish of the Blessed Sacrament, First National Bank, account no: 50844547792, branch code 22 14 26. These details, as well as the ZAPPER CODE, are available at the bottom of all Growing Faith posts (see below).


Lord Jesus Christ, during your earthly ministry, at your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now in the midst of the global pandemic, that we may experience your healing love.

Give leaders of nations and communities the foresight to act with charity and true concern for the well-being of the people they are meant to serve. Give them the wisdom to invest in long-term solutions that will help prepare for or prevent future outbreaks.

Grant health, strength and courage to doctors, nurses and all healthcare workers, and to all peoples the grace to respect the measures suggested that may curtail the spread of this virus. We ask this in your Holy name. Amen.


• Online Daily Mass (Daily TV Mass, Bryanston Catholic Church).

• Blessed Sacrament’s Sunday Mass will be shared on YouTube and via this link.

• Todays Bible reading and reflection from the Vatican.

• Parish Banking Details

Online Mass Booking Form

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